RedPajama + Big-Code: Can it Take on Vicuna and StableLM in the LLM Space

The past week has been a momentous one for the open-source AI community with the announcement of several new language models, including Free Dolly, Open Assistant, RedPajama, and StableLM. These models have been designed to provide more and better options to researchers, developers, and enthusiasts in the face of growing concerns around the control and censorship of AI by corporations.

While some users have expressed disappointment with the performance of certain models, such as the 7B model, which still needs improvement, others have praised the context size of 4096 in StableLM, which could give it a significant advantage over other LLMs like Llama and GPT-NeoX. However, the use of CC-BY-NC licensed datasets has been a source of concern for some users, who believe it limits their commercial use. Nonetheless, the emergence of open standards and free software in AI is seen as crucial to ensuring our freedom in the future.

As exciting as these releases are, there are still some questions that need to be addressed. For example, users are curious about the possibility of training StableLM on code as well, which could put it ahead of the competition. Some have also raised concerns about the legal implications of using the CC BY-SA-4.0 license, which could cause problems for companies in the LLM space. Furthermore, there are still no benchmarks or comparisons available to give users an idea of how these models stack up against each other.

Overall, the continued release of open models is a promising development for the AI community. However, users will need to wait and see how these models perform in real-world applications and how they evolve over time.

Tags: Open-source, AI, language models, Free Dolly, Open Assistant, RedPajama, StableLM, CC-BY-NC, Llama, GPT-NeoX, CC BY-SA-4.0.

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