Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring 3 Transformative Scripts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that has revolutionized various industries. In this article, we will delve into the technical aspects of AI and explore three fascinating scripts that demonstrate its capabilities. We will cover topics such as generating high-quality response pairs, finding roots of equations, and leveraging the power of language models. So fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this exciting AI journey!

1. Fetching Tuning Pairs with fetchTuningPairs.py:

GitHub Gist: fetchTuningPairs.py

The first script, fetchTuningPairs.py, allows us to extract LLM (Language Model) tuning PROMPT-RESPONSE pairs from textual content obtained from a list of URLs. This is incredibly useful for fine-tuning models and generating high-quality responses. To use this script:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the command pip install newspaper3k openai tqdm nltk.
  2. Set up your OpenAI API key by setting the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.
  3. Prepare a file containing the list of URLs you want to process.
  4. Run the script, optionally providing custom settings such as the model, output directory, and the number of requests per URL.

2. Equation Roots Finder with mosaicml_test.py:

GitHub Gist: mosaicml_test.py

The second script, mosaicml_test.py, demonstrates how to find the roots of an equation using AI. It utilizes the MPTChat model from the MosaicML library. To use this script:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the command pip install guidance flash_attn einops transformers.
  2. Set up the required model (mosaicml/mpt-7b-chat).
  3. Define the equation for which you want to find the roots.
  4. Execute the script and observe the generated step-by-step response.

3. Infinite Language Generation with infinite_gpt.py:

GitHub Gist: infinite_gpt.py

The third script, infinite_gpt.py, showcases the power of OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model for infinite language generation. It splits a given text into smaller chunks and generates responses for each chunk in parallel. To use this script:

  1. Obtain your OpenAI API key and set it in the openai.api_key variable.
  2. Prepare your input file containing the text you want to generate responses for.
  3. Specify the output file to save the generated responses.
  4. Execute the script and witness the AI's ability to generate coherent and informative text.

Conclusion: Artificial Intelligence offers a plethora of possibilities, and these three scripts provide a glimpse into the technical aspects of AI applications. From extracting response pairs to solving equations and generating text, AI continues to push the boundaries of what's possible. By leveraging these scripts and exploring other AI tools and models, you can further deepen your understanding and contribute to the advancements in this exciting field.

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