GPT-4 API Integration and Similar Websites for Text Analysis

Users of GPT Plus may wonder how to access the GPT-4 model API for use on, as well as if there are other websites where they can upload documents for their GPT-4 API to use when generating responses. Other users have tried the tool on sizable documents and found it successful in answering questions about the document. However, it may not perform as well when given context outside of the uploaded document.

Some users have suggested potential applications for this tool, such as analyzing text messages for a custody case or creating a database of laws being passed. Others have compared this tool to similar ones they have created, such as, which allows for better understanding of 10-Ks, and discussed potential use cases such as training GPT-4 on a series of books to create a new book in the same world.

While some users have raised concerns about the privacy and security implications of uploading sensitive documents, others have suggested solutions such as allowing users to provide their own API key or having OpenAI parse the files and reorganize the data. Some have also requested instructions on how to install the tool locally or how to overcome the memory limit of GPT when generating responses.

For more information on the methodology used in this tool, please refer to the linked document on OP's Github:

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