Exploring the Capabilities of ChatGPT: A Summary

ChatGPT is an AI language model that can process large amounts of text data, including code examples, and can provide insights and answer questions based on the text input provided to it within its token limit of 4k tokens. However, it cannot browse the internet or access external links or files outside of its platform, except for a select few with plugin access.

Users have reported that ChatGPT can start to hallucinate data after a certain point due to its token limit, resulting in good guesses but also errors. This is a known limitation of ChatGPT, which future implementations aim to remedy. To overcome this limitation, users can have a vectorized database of content that it's querying in response to questions. Pinecone is a hosted solution and Chroma is a local solution that can help with this, but the information it recalls by querying those databases is not like the information in its own model.

Users have also shared that they have successfully shared large amounts of text with ChatGPT via Google Drive or platforms like ChatGPT Splitter. However, for ChatGPT to provide information about a document, users need to copy the relevant text from the document and paste it into the conversation within its token limit. Additionally, users have reported that ChatGPT can extrapolate based on the type of URL provided, resulting in some good guesses but also errors.

Tags: ChatGPT, AI, language model, token limit, hallucinations, vectorized database, Pinecone, Chroma, Google Drive, ChatGPT Splitter.

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